About us
Our Carnival has a long and rich history, but don’t let that fool you. We re-invent Carnival every year and aim to make it bigger and better than the year before.
History of Curaçao’s Carnival
Firts mention is the “Publicatieblad 1872 nr. 27” This Ordinance opened the possibility to organize and regulate carnival parades in public places.
In 1901 “De Curaçaosche Courant” (Februari, 22) indicates that, “according to Spanish American habits” Carnival was celebrated on the Island. This celebration was an initiative of several Venezuelan citizens who lived here temporarily. The festivities took place in a private elite club, according to “De Curaçaosche Courant” in 1901.
Oral History Sources indicate that “The Jolly Fellows Society” was considered the driving force behind the development of celebrating carnival on the streets for the first time in 1947.
In 1949 a foundation “Stichtingscommissie Carnavalsfeesten” was created to celebrate Carnival with an elected “Prince Carnival”. The intention was to involve the entire population at the celebration. Photo’s show the local participation was meager though. The celebration remained elitist and interest slowed down in the fifties.
Benjamin Wefer and Elias Bronswinkel wanted to generate interest again in 1961 by the establishment of the Central Carnival Committee Curaçao.

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